Sunset: red evening sky
As I sit in the garden, I watch the sunset behind the majestic mountains. Some evenings, one can only be amazed by the colors and cloud formations in the sky. The variations are endless.
Here is some interesting material to read about colors of sunsets (and twilights):
1) IN: Rossing, T. D., & Chiaverina, C. J. (2020). Light Science: Physics and the Visual Arts (2nd ed.). Springer. "The largest expanse of color in nature is the bright blue sky on a cloudless day. The blue color of the sky is due to scattering of sunlight by molecules of air. Blue light is scattered much more efficiently than light with longer wavelengths, so it appears brighter. This process is often called Rayleigh scattering in honor of Lord Rayleigh, the physicist who explained it [...] The orange-red color of a sunset is another product of Rayleigh scattering of sunlight by air molecules. Even when the sun is overhead, it appears slightly orange, since some of the blue light has been removed by scattering. As it approaches the horizon, its light has a longer path through the atmosphere, and thus more of the blue light is scattered before it reaches our eyes. The redness of a sunset can be increased by the addition of small scattering particles to the atmosphere. Large forest fires, for example, can add enough smoke particles to the atmosphere to intensify sunsets, as can volcanic eruptions" (Rossing & Chiaverina, 2020).
2) Corfidi, S. F. (2014). The Colors of Sunset and Twilight. NOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center. THE COLORS OF TWILIGHT AND SUNSET - Stephen F. Corfidi (
