Work Experience
Registered Architect in the province of Loja [ECU] since December 2016
Architects list number: RM1859
Mountain-Top Project, working as Chief designer and Architect in this ongoing project in La Calera, Malacatos [ECU] for an Ecuadorian family from Loja
Infinity Chamber, a cabin in Masanamaca, Quinara [ECU] – was constructed with the traditional building system of Bahareque (loam, straw, bamboo, reed)
- preliminary design, final design, approval of plans at the municipality of Loja, construction supervision
Casa de Aurelie
- preliminary design of a cabin in the woods of Vilcabamba [ECU]
Casa de Campo Familia Masa
- preliminary design and final design of countryside house in Belén, Malacatos [ECU]
Guesthouse Familia Espinosa
- preliminary design of a two-story guest house in San José, Vilcabamba [ECU]
Competition Graiman
- Showroom design with different tiles of Gaiman's Ambrosía product line
Café Jardín, a cafeteria in Loja, Av. 24 de Mayo y Av. Miguel Riofrio [ECU]
- design of an overall concept, furniture design and selection, lighting concept, and brand development
Seduction Pavilion, Architects competition issued by the Young Architects Competition Ltd.
by Katja Heieis & Jasmina Lips
- design of a pavilion, which could pay tribute to the female horizon at the entrance of the Foundation Fashion Research Italy in Bologna.
Landscape Design Familia Murillo
- a planimetric survey of the client’s property, design of different gardens, and a planting plan
Origami Lampshades
- the creation of a lampshade series with different models and paper types
(consisting of 20 handmade lampshades)
Caballetes urbanos
- design of an urban easel module for a painting performance during the 2nd Festival Internacional de Artes Vivas Loja
Studio house Stan & Elena, a 10 by 6-meter complementary bathhouse with a flat roof, stonewalls, and a 10-meter window front directed at the valley of Malacatos [ECU]
- preliminary design, final design, construction supervision in parts
Wellness Center Loma Redonda is a building complex consisting of six private rooms, one apartment, a ceramic and soapmaking workshop, a yoga studio, and other rooms with a garden and a 17-meter-long swimming lane in the center – main building was constructed with adobe bloc (wall width 24cm)
- preliminary design, final design
Work Experience
April 2023 – August 2023: Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subjects: Forma y Espacio (Form & Space), 1. Semester of Architecture // Modelos físicos a escala (Modelbuilding), 3. Semester of Architecture
October 2022 – February 2023: Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subjects: Forma y Espacio (Form & Space), 1. Semester of Architecture // Modelos físicos a escala (Modelbuilding), 3. Semester of Architecture
April 2022 – August 2022: Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subjects: Modelos físicos a escala (Modelbuilding), 3. Semester of Architecture // Introducción a la arquitectura (Introduction to architecture), 1. Semester of Architecture.
April 2021 – August 2021: Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subjects: Forma y Espacio (Form & Space), 1. Semester of Architecure // Modelos físicos a escala (Modelbuilding), 3. Semester of Architecture // Introducción a la arquitectura (Introduction to architecture), 1. Semester of Architecture.
2018 – 2020
September 2020 – January 2021: Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subjects: Forma y Espacio (Form & Space), 1. Semester of Architecure // Modelos físicos a escala (Modelbuilding), 3. Semester of Architecture // Introducción a la arquitectura (Introduction to architecture), 1. Semester of Architecture.
April 2018 – August 2020: Lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subjects: Diseño Basico 2 (Basics of Design 2), 2. Semester of Architecture // Maquetería 01 (Modelbuilding 01), 3. Semester of Architecture // Maquetería 02 (Modelbuilding 02), 4. Semester of Architecture.
Creation of a new syllabus for model-building and basics of design courses (including form and space), and thesis supervision of different students at the School of Architecture, UIDE – Loja.
October 2017 – February 2018: Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subject: Diseño Básico 2 (Basics of Design 2), 2. Semester of Architecture.
April 2017 – August 2017: Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subject: Diseño Básico 2 (Basics of Design 2), 2. Semester of Architecture.
October 2016 – February 2017: Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subject: Diseño Básico 2 (Basics of Design 2), 2. Semester of Architecture.
June 2016 - September 2016: Guest lecturer at Universidad Nacional de Loja (UNL) in Loja [ECU], subjects: Diseño Básico 1 (Basics of Design 1), 1. Semester of Plastic Arts // Diseño Bidimensional (Two-Dimensional Design), 2. Semester of Plastic Arts // Estudio de perspectivas (Perspective Drawing), 2. Semester of Plastic Arts.
April 2016 – August 2016: Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) in Loja, subject: Diseño Básico 2 (Basics of Design 2), 2. Semester of Architecture.
October 2015 – February 2017: Guest lecturer at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), subject: Dibujo artístico (Artistic drawing), 1. Semester Architecture.
Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
October 2012 - February 2015
Master of Arts in Interior Architecture in Halle [GER]
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
October 2007 - February 2012
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture in Dessau [GER]
April 2011 - July 2011
Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen – Anhalt: Trainee at the State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology of Saxony-Anhalt, Department Building Research in Halle [GERMANY]
September 2009 - February 2010
Frießleben Architekten BDA: Trainee at the architectural office Frießleben in Halle [GERMANY]
February 2008 - March 2008
Buero Rehahn: Trainee at Buero Rehan, specializing in movie architecture in Berlin [GERMANY]
Awards & Commendations
Competition: Seduction Pavilion, Bologna, Italy, 2018
under the 30 finalists
by the Bauhaus Dessau e.V. & the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Scholarship by the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
April 2011 - March 2012
Fast adapting to new environments
Intuitive learning and applying of new tools
Proficient communication skills in:
German - English - Spanish